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Consistent Downstream Demand Drives the German Levofloxacin Hemihydrate Prices
  • 22-Nov-2022 12:55 PM
  • Journalist: Harold Finch

Hamburg, Germany: Levofloxacin Hemihydrate prices continue to observe an upward price trajectory in Germany with the start of November 2022 due to ... Read More

Global Polycarbonate Prices Decline Due to Weak Downstream Demand
  • 22-Nov-2022 12:30 PM
  • Journalist: Patrick Knight

Polycarbonate prices have continued their downward trend globally during the week ending on November 18, 2022, owing to the bleak demand from downs... Read More

Persistence From Manufacturers Culminates in a Marginal Rise in European Polymer Prices
  • 22-Nov-2022 10:45 AM
  • Journalist: Francis Stokes

The polymer market in the European region has been stable, with minimal rise throughout this month. Although ethylene costs have decreased, produce... Read More

The Reduction in Nylon Filament Yarn Import is a Sign of the European Economy Challenges
  • 21-Nov-2022 06:32 PM
  • Journalist: Jacob Kutchner

In Europe, Nylon Filament Yarn imports from China have been falling since the third quarter of this year. This trend reflects Europe's economic... Read More

